Hello everybody, firstly I am sorry there have been so few posts of late but I seem to be speading myself a little to thin lately. We will continue to try our best to get regular updates from the Palm View site over the coming months, so you can all start to see some real progress on all of your respective apartments.
These pictures have been taken over the last few days and although really work had to stop in August there has been progress.
Hi Mark and all other contributors.
ReplyDeleteI am anxious to hear and hopefully SEE some current deatils/ pictures/ news of the Palm View site in Calabria.
I am certain I am NOT alone in this request.
I bought through GEM /PGI and I have heard NOTHING , are they still in business ?.
Hope someone can help me.
Hi, Sorry to hear about your lack of contact.
ReplyDeletePlease send an email to info@firstpropertychoice.com and we can keep you in the loop as best as we can.